Hello All,
Life has certainly been a challenge this year as we live through the pandemic. Almost six months ago, normal everyday activities were put on hold which caused a lot of anxiety, stress, and fear for many of us. Office workers, yours truly included, now work the majority of the time remotely from the confines of our own homes. This new shift has brought families closer and closer, and sometimes a little too close…
My soon to be 15 year old son often sits behind me while I work in my tiny workspace tucked in the corner of the living room. He complains a lot about nothing as many teenagers do. Did I mention he complains a lot?! With his frequent presence in my “office”, I decided to use this opportunity to share with him some words of wisdom.
You see, he has already gone through several personal challenges and as a result, his grades have suffered. He is smart but does not do well in a traditional academic system. With school starting up again next week, he has already begun to spin a web of doubt and failure around himself. What can a mother do? Today when he started grumbling behind me, I stopped and told him it was Pep Talk Time!
What did we talk about? BEE MOVIE!
Barry B Benson aspires to be more than what is expected of him.
There is a great message in this movie that all kids, teens, and even adults can understand. We see Barry start questioning career choices that did not inspire him. He did not want to be like everyone else, to have the same job forever, he wanted something more! So what did Barry do about it? He ventured out! He made a brave decision to explore other avenues which resulted in his best life!
The Pep Talk was summarized with the following common and effective saying. Small seeds planted today will one day grow into a large tree. If we wait another year in taking small actions, we ultimately delay what could have already been attained. So why wait? Let’s go plant some seeds!
Have a sunny day Lit With Joy!